10 years of williamhay.co.uk

Charting the history of the development of this site…
version 1 : 2001-2004

Set up in basic html, this was my online profile before the days of facebook and social media!






version 2: 2004-2007

The graphics and layout of this site were designed when I was studying at Durham however at that time it was still an online personal profile in the web 1.0 days. It really came into it’s own when I started teaching piano in private practise in 2005.







version 3: 2007-2009

Once web 2.0 came along the layout of the old html site was starting to look a bit dated. Not quite au fait with content management systems at the time, this site linked to facebook once that came along and also incorporated a live news feed on the front page whilst still maintaining some traditional static html pages.

Later in 2008 I started using a seperate wordpress CMS blog. The two are now incorporated in the current site!