New Arrival

Happy New Year! First announcement of the year is that I am now a daddy. Eleanor Felicity was born on 2nd January weighing 8lb 10oz. She is a gorgeous little girl (not that I’m biassed at all) and seems to enjoy vying for attention with Geoffrey and Ruxpin when she isn’t draining her mother’s milk! She …

Tour de France et bien chantez

After a very early start and what seemed like forever, we finally arrived on the outskirts of Reims. The first beer of the evening tasted ten times better than it would have done had it not followed twelve hours or so sat on a coach! The meal we were provided with was also both very substantial …

May: Month of Messiah

Famous choral music coming up every Saturday in May to which you can listen or participate in. 5th May: Sing Along Messiah – Chester Cathedral 270 years after the final notes were added to the score at Chester Cathedral. The friends of the cathedral have organised a sing along Messiah day which will coincide with …

Events Newsletter – Autumn 2011

I used to produce a paper newsletter featuring the dates for forthcoming piano exams and concerts along with other important information however this has now been superseded by the e-newsletter facility on the blog to which all of my students should be subscribed . It also gives me the opportunity to draw your attention to other professional activities in …

DevaLution – Close harmony ‘barbershop’ quartet in Chester

DEVA-LUTION a Chester-based barbershop group can provide vocal entertainment for your dinner party or wedding reception. Prices from £200 for a 30-minute set of vocal ‘barbershop quartet’ entertainment. Sample Playlist: Erskay Love Lilt She was beautiful Summertime I got rhythm The long day closes The Bare Necessities Greensleves Slow motion time Contact me if you …