New Start, New Studio

Huntington Piano StudioWelcome back to the new term. I hope everybody has had a good summer break and managed to find some time to do some practise during the holidays. A lot has changed here at Will Hay Piano Tuition. Most notable is the new studio in Saighton with two new pianos!

Given the choice every one of my students has opted to play the “black” piano in the studio, the 1980 Yamaha U3. It has a lovely rich tone without being overly bright and pingy. The “white” piano is a Roland FP-4F digital piano with an ivory feel weighted keyboard which offers hundreds of other sounds for making accompaniments and backing tracks. The portability of this instrument means that it’s great for playing at wedding ceremonies, receptions, parties and corporate events around Cheshire.

I have been able to take on 25 new students with the new schedule and 66 have been able to continue their studies with me either at the studio or at their homes and schools around Chester. Most of my teaching time is now fully subscribed but if you know of people interested in having lessons then do please still get in touch.

The studio before!The studio before the conversion!

Published by Will Hay

Chester based pianist, singer, conductor and teacher