Creatures Great and Small

My Piano Tuition theme this term is “Creatures Great and Small”. For the studio composition project however, I will not be making a video. Instead you must choose three contrasting animals from either Pets, Farmyard, or Jungle categories and compose either a suite of three short pieces featuring the three animals or one piece which features the three animals in relating themes.

I was really pleased to hear that one of my youngest students had already pre-empted this composition project when she showed me her dinosaur composition yesterday, having chosen to represent three different dinosaurs, two of which I’d never even heard of before!

Watch out for the weekly listening task in the Evernote listening folder following Saint-Saens’ famous “Carnival of the Animals” suite.

The term will culminate with  the Summer Charity Concert which will take place at All Saint’s Church, Hoole on Saturday 30th June at 11am concluding with another “multimedia spectacular” which is currently in preparation!


Published by Will Hay

Chester based pianist, singer, conductor and teacher