Concert by Candlelight – Chester Cathedral Nave Choir 16/11/08

On a cold winter’s night that was so deep, over a hundred people gathered in the darkness of Chester Cathedral to be transported through four hundred years of music in reverence to the Virgin Mary. Whilst the time span was condensed for the duration of the concert which did not quite last four hundred years; the audience was treated to an hour and a half of music which was timeless.

The concert began in semi-darkness, permeated only by the glow of sixty six flickering candles and the plaintive sound of Jean Allain’s setting of Ave Maria sung by Becky Hay. A sequence of delightfully rhapsodic organ episodes followed, interspersed with plainsong floating ethereally from somewhere in the quire…

The Nave Choir will next be performing in concert on Saturday 14thMarch 2009 though this Christmas you can worship with them at the Nave Choir Carol Service on Sunday 21st December at 2pm.

Published by Will Hay

Chester based pianist, singer, conductor and teacher